Our Go-To Graphics Guy | Cy Whitling
Starting a business is hard, especially when you already have another business you’re trying to run. When Grady and I received our first production samples of sunglasses we knew it was time to contact Cy Whitling at Be More Stoked for our logos, stickers, and branding.
I had only briefly met Cy as he coached some of Grady’s summer mountain bike camp, but I was familiar with his artwork through a variety of work he’s done in Teton Valley and though he didn’t know it I always knew he’d be the one to help us with Das Optics. Not only did he design everything for us we exchanged countless emails back and forth regarding our stickers and his knowledge of the sticker industry is encyclopedic.
We are hoping to eventually make these stickers, but for now they live here.
Cy recently launched #paintingstopoopto as something fun to do during the Covid-19 crisis. The popularity and competiton for these paintings has gotten fierce and I might just have to commission him to paint one for me. Follow the Cy on Instagram to see his daily painting and learn more about #paintingstopoopto here.
My favorite #paintingstopoopto so far. I hope this is me when I’m older.
If you need help win anything from writing, videos, social media, web work, and of course art I highly recommend a conversation with Cy. You can contact him here. Thanks Cy for all you did and do for Das Optics!