Satisfaction Guaranteed
If for some reason you aren’t satisfied with your purchase please contact us. We’ll do our best to make it right!
Return Policy
If for some reason you need to return an item to us we accept returns from all orders (USA, Canada, etc.) for new, unused items within 30 days of your tracking information's delivery date. Please contact us for return information. Buyer is responsible for return shipping fees and we recommend insuring your package if for some reason it doesn’t make it back to us.
We donate $10 for every pair of sunglasses or goggles we sell. Shoppers will come across a box at checkout where they can enter the organization that they want the donation to go to. Every month we sit down and write checks to these organizations with a nice note about why we are sending them money.
We ship USPS First Class Mail with tracking to the USA, Canada, and beyond. If for some reason you don’t receive USPS mail please contact us so we can arrange to ship via UPS. We strive to ship all orders the day they are received or the very next business day. Since I have a “real” job and Grady is in school there may be times when it takes us a bit longer to process your order.