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Great Sunglasses | Great Prices | $10 to your Team

DAS Optics is the brain child of Chris “Jigidy” Jensen and his son Grady. They noticed kids (and their parents) cycling and skiing in really expensive sunglasses and wondered if they could make high-quality sunglasses for less while raising money for their teams. After sampling glasses from manufacturers around the world and testing them with teammates they ordered some and Das Optics was born.

Because we buy direct from the manufacturer we can source the best sunglasses. Our small team helps us keep our prices just right and raise money at the same time.


Das got his name from our favorite ski run at Grand Targhee Ski Resort - Das Boat. We love our dog so much that we made him our mascot and named our sunglass company after him. So far he’s unimpressed and more interested in cheese.


Chris aka Dad or Jigidy

Just happy to be along for the ride to help Grady fulfill his dream of cool sunglasses for him and all his friends and teammates. Chris uses his skills in digital marketing to help DAS Optics grow and raise money for his favorite non-profits.


DAS Optics was Grady’s idea and he’s been loving learning all about business, e-commerce, and fundraising. When Grady isn’t slinging glasses he can be found skiing, mountain biking, or spinning tunes around Teton Valley.


The Jensens

DAS Optics is a family affair, seriously all our inventory is in our guest room, and every family member has helped with this project. Penelope the youngest is our VP of Marketing and Jenny is our CFO.