An Ode to 5th Street

Spring in Teton Valley can be hard, this year with the Corona Virus it’s been even harder. With Grand Targhee closed, quarantine orders in effect and local trails still mired in snow it left few options for the “Groms” and serious cyclists of Teton Valley.

Fortunately, there’s 5th street, a small skate and bike part located on the fringes of Driggs. A dedicated crew of cyclists started digging the snow off the trails and jumps back in March and had the some of the park open for bikes by March 10th.

Practicing social distancing at a bike park while isn’t easy, certainly is possible and adults and kids alike flocked to the park daily as it was literally the only game in town. Everyone came together, built jumps, built community and built friendships.

Here are a few photos courtesy of our friend Cy Whitling of 5th Street going off this Spring.


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Our Go-To Graphics Guy | Cy Whitling